Access Butler Place Plan
Unlocking Fort Worth’s Future by Reconnecting to the Past
Welcome to the Central Area
Today, roadway, highway, and railway infrastructure divide Fort Worth’s downtown core – separating East and West Fort Worth, impeding walkability and placemaking, and limiting our choices in mobility to the City's most dense and urban district. We can change this.
The Access Butler Place Plan aims to reconnect, strengthen, and build community throughout Fort Worth’s Central Area, which encompasses Downtown Fort Worth, Butler Place, and United Riverside.
Project Study Area
The beating heart of Fort Worth and the confluence of the City’s major infrastructure assets, commercial opportunities, and recreational destinations. The Central Area is the foundation of the Fort Worth’s identity.
The Core Study Area area brings together neighborhoods that support rich historical, cultural, and economic resources that make Fort Worth a regional and national asset.
Butler Place is located east of Downtown Fort Worth, one of the largest undeveloped properties left in the downtown core, yet is hemmed by the City’s transportation infrastructure. Butler Place is waiting for an opportunity to lift the City’s reputation into the future.
A comprehensive land use and infrastructure analysis will be conducted within the project boundaries three planning areas.

Click the button to learn about the project goals for each planning area!
What We're Working Towards
Enhance the Study Area's accessibility for all modes of transportation through infrastructure improvements.

Reconnect communities and neighborhoods through vibrant social and cultural spaces.

Broaden the development footprint of downtown to support citywide economic opportunities.

This project includes a comprehensive transportation and land use analysis to identify mobility solutions that could transform the Central Area's roadway infrastructure and multi-modal networks to help people get around more easily and shape future downtown development potential.
As part of the City’s efforts to improve and encourage people and goods movements into and through the Central Area, this project aims to identify mobility and land use solutions that:
This planning effort entails a comprehensive transportation and land use analysis to identify mobility solutions that transform the Central Area's roadway infrastructure and multi-modal networks to support all modes of transportation and shape future downtown development potential.
As part of the City’s efforts to improve and encourage transportation into and through the Central Area, this project aims identify mobility and land use solutions that:

A Vision for Citywide Mobility
The Access Butler Place Plan is part of a larger transportation planning effort led by the City of Fort Worth, which is focused on holistically addressing issues that impact the city’s transportation network's safety, efficiency, and connectivity for all modes of transportation.
Solutions identified in the Access Butler Place Plan are critical pieces that will support wide city mobility priorities.
Visit the City of Fort Worth's Transportation and Public Works page to learn more about mobility initiatives.